Welcome to the Launch of Balance & Grace!!!!

"This site is developed with the recognition that we are not alone. We are in this together. Who we are is more important than the titles we give ourselves or the labels we accept. Life is a journey to be shared, not a race to be won. Here we will develop balance and cultivate grace by celebrating, supporting, and challenging the spiritual, physical, and emotional growth of each other. We will teach each other and create a safe haven for discussion. Respond to a post, start a new topic, make a video request, or share a thought. It is here because of you and for you. So jump on in!!!!"
~Christine Grace Ivy,
Balance and Grace Pilates and Life Coaching~

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Reflection

Sitting in my parent's living room, my belly full of mom's home cooking, aware of  Layla lazily sleeping on her furry side across the room,  I am half listening to my mom as she sits chatting with my brother. I note my dad watching everyone with a thoughtful gaze, and I can feel the focused energy of my sister-in law who is working on a craft project in the kitchen. The tv is off and the smattering of conversations flit in an out of earshot. Nothing all that interesting is being discussed but its the highlight of the day. Having everyone together, all differences put aside or temporarily resolved, enjoying a few shared moments away from schedules and deadlines is such a rare enjoyment that I savor this all too  infrequent occurrence.

Because at some point life got really really busy....I don't know when it happened but between education, career development, relationships status's and a hodge podge of other life happenstances spending time with my family became an oasis from hectic self-imposed demands. I didn't realize what a jewel I had been given when I was a child, this  family that genuinely loves and by-in large likes and respects each other. Not knowing any better its easy as a kid to nit pick and criticize and see the faults of your family; it takes the hard knocks of life, the punches and the curve balls, to realize that love is not a given, kindness is not around every corner, and friendships are not biological assumptions.  I do not assume that in any way I some how earned the blessed luck with which I was granted the people to whom I am related. For whatever reason God dealt me a cast of loving family members for whom I am ever growing more and more fond affection and appreciation.  Knowing that so many people can't stand their relatives, that holiday gatherings are often associated with bickering and dramatic outburst, and that avoidance of  familial contact is a common go to during this time of year only stirs more gratitude in me for the state in which I find myself,....cozy and warm in a home that is permeated with loving kindness and silly affections. A happy and blessed Thanksgiving indeed....

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pausing for a Blissful Reality Check

Hi ya'll, I thought I would share my thoughts as I'm watching the Grammy Awards this evening. To be honest, I rarely watch award shows of any sort. I'm usually too busy doing just about anything else to to bothered. But for whatever reason I'm watching tonight and I'm admiring the beautiful people admiring each other and I felt the need to remind myself that the beauty on stage is very often managed and produced by multiple concerted efforts. Many times there are concerted teams combining efforts to produce perfectly coifed hair,  perfect skin,  flawless makeup, detailed fashion, and the tight and toned tushies that grace the stages and the screen. We oooohhh and awwww but very often these visuals leave the every day woman painfully aware of how very far away they are from  measuring up to the same standards of perfection.

With that cruel reality in mind I would like to remind all of us that we are not products, we are not manufactured, and we were not created with the intention that we would spend the majority of our time wishing we were someone else or that we looked like something different. We are all beautiful creations with beautiful purpose and if we are spending more then a reasonable time on the presentation of our bodies and our external  appearances then I am curious as to how we can possiby be spending enough of our limited resources of energy and time on the purposes for which we were created and  in following the passions that bring us bliss. Because what the world does not need is more "beautiful" people. What the world does need is more people who are living in their bliss. And the funny thing is that when you live in your bliss your internal beauty shines brighter then any diamond adornment or chemical peel. A woman who lives from internal intention IS a diamond in the rough and her beauty is beyond compare.

The world is full of people who are existing in jobs they hate, in relationships that are unhealthy but that are socially acceptable or worse yet convenient, who are following another person's idea of what their life should look like and who are trapped in pursuing the things that someone else told them would make them happy. I want to remind all of us that success and happiness is not attached to anything external. I want to remind myself that other people's opinions of me do not equate to the peace of mind that I find in pursuing the God given passions that bring me joy, bliss, and purpose.What is my bliss? What is your bliss? Ask yourself this question: What is that one thing that when you do it time simply melts away and you become beautifully unaware of anything else but that singular thing....that, my friends, is your bliss. Pursue that and the money will follow. The success will come. The joy and waves of peace that wrap themselves around you in those moments far surpass any other kind of  external reward. The beauty that you discover in yourself is a natural by product.