An oasis away from the daily grind where the Pilates philosophy of Balance is intended for the soul as well as the body. Here you can learn how to do your favorite Pilates exercise, ask a question, share a thought, respond to a post, or watch an inspirational video. By celebrating health and wellness we will together learn how to better navigate life with balance and support each other with grace. I hope you will join me.
Welcome to the Launch of Balance & Grace!!!!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
20,000 Breaths, 20,000 Choices
Monday, December 26, 2011
My Christmas Presents
Monday, December 19, 2011
Anyone feeling blue the week before Christmas?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Beyond ideal aspirations to live in the space of authentic living, I honestly just cant participate in the shopping hoopla like I've done in years past. And, like so many years before, I find myself obstinately holding onto my resolve and refusing to start the panic stricken slide down the slippery slope of competitive gift giving that happens so easily. And the competition to give usually is within ourselves. We start the, "Well I bought this for Sally so I HAVE to buy this for Cindy but then Timmy will feel left out so I how can I not buy this for him too....." And THAT conversation is only as long as your address book is full. Whew,.....what a nightmare of a thought process. I know because I've done it almost every year since I've been saddled with the lovely signatures of young adulthood. I know that we buy presents for our loved ones to show them how much we love them but....ummmmm....shouldn't they already know? Shouldn't our year long interactions with the truly close people in our lives let them know how precious they are to us? One day of over the top, stress inducing, checkbook deflating gift giving cant make amends for a year of distracted interactions, sparse attentions, little communication, and neglect. Its as if we feel that we can buy back all the time we should have, could have, would have given to each other with a brightly wrapped package. Well, I say "no!". No, you cant make up for the time lost with a shiny thing, and the stress we create for ourselves by purchasing items well beyond our means for someone who probably doesn't need it anyways only makes the true enjoyment of each other impossible on what is supposed to be one of the most enjoyable days of the year. Well , again, I say "NO!" to the Black Fridays and the mad shopping mall trips and the parking lot jams and the long lines and the insane pretending that somehow all the stress if worth it. Because its not.
So I'm not playing the game this year. I'm just not buying into that hype. I live on a budget and the people I care about are going to know how much they mean to me not by what I give to them but by how I treat them. And if that means starting a greater habit of consideration for others this month that lasts all month and all next year long then I better hop to it. The gift of our time invested into the lives of others, with no strings attached, is the best gift you can possibly give. My amazing boyfriend threw a wonderful super duper late surprise birthday party for me the other night, four months AFTER my birthday. And you know what I remember the most about that night? I remember all of the lovely faces of the people who took the TIME to come out on a cold winter evening to tell me with their presence that I mean something special in their hearts and that I am important to them. I will never forget who showed up. That is the gift that I will treasure. The interactions with people I love in a space of compassion and affection is the best present I have ever received or given. yourself and your bank account a favor. This Christmas season, look around at the hustle and bustle and ask yourself how you want to participate and even if you want to join the herd. Its not a bad thing to buy presents. If I had the surplus income I would shower my family with things that they would enjoy. But I am encouraging all of us to re-center our focus onto the intentions and reasons we do what we do. With all of the everyday pressures that we feel why would we CHOOSE to add more stress to our lives. A return to some of the more simple enjoyments of childhood could benefit us all. A package can be bought, a heart must be given. And you alone have the power to share that most wonderful gift in the way most true to who you are. Life, love, laughter. Money cant buy back any of those things. So good luck, friends. December is already in full swing and you have the power to decide how you want to dance through this month.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Thank you for sharing in this blog with me this last month. The practice of gratitude is a beautiful gift to yourself that I would encourage everyone to keep. I intend to maintain a gratitude journal outside of this blog, which I do hope you will continue to join me in, because the inner peace that has seeped into my day just by living more fully in the present and with an open heart has been a tremendous gift to myself. Give yourself the gift of seeing beyond the circumstances you are dealing with. Life is too short. I don't want to miss out on its beauty because my head was too full of the cotton and cobwebs of bitterness and envy. We ALL are blessed. Start counting those blessings today. You will certainly be surprised at how much you really do have to be thankful for. I know that I am.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
ANOTHER DAY, gratitude, day 29
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
MY THINGS, gratitude, day 28
Sunday, November 27, 2011
CREATIVITY AND PLAY, gratitude, day 27
We glisten in the sun and shine in the void to the extent that we dive within and answer the call of our own wild horses. You can call these inner voices the call of the wild, or the passions of your heart, or the will of God, but they all refer to the same truth. And that truth is the reality that abundant life is within everyone's grasp and that we must reach above, within, and beyond ourselves in order to receive that abundance. The courage necessary to exchange the shackles of convention for the purity of a life lived in authenticity and honest response does not always come naturally or easily. But by adopting a habit of creativity courage becomes easier to muster. Creativity brings equality to the playing field because at the end of the day we are all kids who want our turn in the sandbox, our time on the swing set, our chance to soar down the slide. Whether its on a tuba, on a theatre stage, with a paintbrush, maybe a fashion design, perhaps its in a cooking class, could be with a clay oven, just as well might be in computer code, and likely is something you already do in your spare time....whatever it is, whatever your passion or creative outlet....hold onto it tight and celebrate it daily. The instincts of children are to play every day. We should learn from their wisdom.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
FRIENDS, gratitude, day 26
Friday, November 25, 2011
SAYING "NO" , gratitude, day 25
Thursday, November 24, 2011
We are all so different. No matter how put together we may seem, we all have endured heartache and pain. We all have stories to tell and a unique perspective on the shared room that is life. We are all living here together but we all see something slightly different based on the baggage that is strapped to our backs. Appreciating that everyone is carrying a load that may be heavier or lighter then mine enables me to restrain judgement and extend grace to situations that I don't understand. Recognizing that everybody's story carries within it joy and sorrow and humor allows me to shift focus to understanding others before rushing to prove my own validity and importance. My opinions are strong but not always right. Sometimes I'm wrong. Sometimes my input is not the most valuable in the room. Sometimes I greatly benefit from biting my tongue, being quiet, and allowing others to take the stage. I learn the most when I am silent. I become heard in the conversations where I'm actively listening. And I shine the most when I'm putting the spotlight on others. The beauty of our differences creates a wonderful tapestry. There is a time to focus on me, but there is just as much, if not more, good to be gained by celebrating others.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
MOM, gratitude, day 23
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
MY SISTER, gratitude, day 22
Monday, November 21, 2011
JESUS, gratitude, day 21
Sunday, November 20, 2011
CHILDREN, gratitude, day 20
Saturday, November 19, 2011
DAD, gratitude, day 19
You know, its a funny role reversal experience to watch your parents age. For a very long time my Dad was one of the two imposing figures standing between me and freedom. But with time I'm seeing more and more of the little boy who is still at the heart of who my Dad is. With my own adulthood I can now more clearly see how my Dad has always done the best he could with the knowledge he had. And who can possibly do better then that?!?!
Dad, thank you for all the love and all the silliness and all the careful consideration. I'm blessed to have you in my life, Dad. Every time you refill my coffee mug and decorate the sugar plate with a carefully folded napkin I hear you saying, "I love you." Every time you see me struggling to carry an enormous load and you force me to let you carry more then you should I hear, "I love you". And every time you demand I, "pay the toll" with a kiss in the hall I hear, "I love you". Thank you, Dad for all the "I love yous". They mean more and more to me. I love you so very much. I love seeing you laugh. I love hearing joy in your voice. I get a kick watching you get a kick out of something. And between your corny jokes and ridiculous impersonations I am getting a clearer picture of the little boy that's still inside of you and I love that kid so much. He's one of the people I get the most excited to see and I hope he will come out to play more often. I love you, Big Bird. Happy Birthday. Today I am grateful for you.
MY BROTHER, gratitude, day 18
Thursday, November 17, 2011
FOOD, gratitude, day 17
It does, however, give me pause to think about people in lower socio-economic states who go to bed with hungry bellies on a regular basis. The fact that people in the United States, a place with so much abundance, should ever be hungry is just awful. When i remember that I have so much while so many have so little, the awareness of this disproportionate inequality creates in me the desire to truly appreciate the food i do have and to enjoy it with extra time and care. Instead of shoveling food into my vacuum of a mouth I am trying to slow down just a little bit and in exchange am reaching a new level of truly savoring each taste, texture, and flavor.
And then you know what? As I realize that my heart is full with awareness and gratitude of the moment I become more in tune with the moment my body is satiated as well.
I don't overeat when I am eating with the intent to nourish. And I don't overeat when I am not using food to fill an emotional hole.But on those days when I'm running from my failures, or saddened by my imperfections, or tuned out of what God and life is trying to show me....Man oh man!, those days are not pretty and in those moments of seeking comfort from food I have sunk to the bottom of the chip bag, the last candy wrapper, the last bite, the last nibble. Not a pretty sight. Food sustains, it invigorates, its enjoyable, and it has a purpose. Like we talked about the other day, when you follow your passion you find purpose and fullfillment. When I am living in my passion and purpose for life I don't abuse food or mistake it for my fulfillment. I hope that you, too, will shift your perspective, or at least contemplate the ways you use food in your life. It has a purpose IN your life but it is not YOUR purpose. I hope today you allow yourself to live more fully in whatever those inner passions of your life are. And if you don't know what they are, ask the Creator of creation. He knows :)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
TRADITIONS, gratitude, day 16
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
FAILURES, gratitude, day 15
Take for example the invention of the light bulb by Edison. He had over 10,000 prototypes of the U.S. light bulb and over 1000 attempts before he achieved his goal. How easy would it have been to give up after 50 or even 100 or dare 1000 tries?!? But "Edison did not think that any of his failures were actually “failures.” Edison said “If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is just one more step forward....” Do you turn your “mistakes” into learning experiences? Adopt the same attitude as Edison did. Learn from mistakes. Be persistent."
So when I feel myself starting to become deflated or depressed or sad because I fell short of a goal I stop myself from hurling myself down that rabbit hole of wallowing and self-pity. I am learning to recognize the value in re-adjusting my perspective. I'm learning to see the gifts in my shortcomings and the valuable lessons they hold. A silver lining is found where there are clouds and after the rain comes the rainb0w. Just think how much sweeter victory will taste after you have finally chased it down. It is the hard won races that we never forget and it is the rough journeys that make life an adventure.
Monday, November 14, 2011
HOME, gratitude, day 14
Sunday, November 13, 2011
WORK, gratitude, day 13
OPPORTUNITY, gratitude, day 12
Friday, November 11, 2011
EDDIE GARCIA, gratitude, day 11
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
FRIENDS, gratitude, day 9
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
CHANGE, gratitude, day 8
Monday, November 7, 2011
SPIRIT, gratitude, day 7
Sunday, November 6, 2011
WEATHER, gratitude day 6
Saturday, November 5, 2011
MY PERSONAL PLAYGROUND, gratitude, day 5
So today I am grateful for the mind God has given me and I hope you will recognize the worth of your own mind as well. With so much mental illness in the world a sound mind is a blessing. Recognize it and guard it. Decide what kind of nourishment you wish to feed it. The outlets of your mind are your eyes, your ears, your mouth, and your hands. But these are also the entry ways into your mind and soul. School is in session every day! (and you thought you were done! haa!! haa!! :) ) You have the power to make the decisions that will strengthen or weaken or unleash the power of the mind.
You also have the opportunity to give your mind the chance to play every day, to imagine, and to day dream. Dont underestimate the power of dreams!!!!!! Dreams mix with desires to become passions that become actions that create results that bring changes that, with time, can shift the course of an entire world. Facebook. Google. Youtube. Cellphones. The home computer. Airplanes. Electricity. Cars. Printing Presses. All of these started in the day dreams of the mind. Whats your dream? It might just be what the entire world needs and doesn't even know it yet. Celebrate the mind. It truly is your own personal playground, battleground, and final frontier.
Friday, November 4, 2011
MY BEAUTIFUL BODY, gratitude: day 4
I remember a season in my life, you of those dark and sad and angry seasons where we justify our right to stew and marinate in our own ugly well of self-righteous depression and complicated emotions....and in this season I took up smoking. I never embraced it wholeheartedly, but I did use it to fill some very jagged tears and holes in my heart for a while. And I will tell you what made me stop...One day I was driving home from teaching dance, I was enjoying a smoke, and I saw a small, hunched over frame shuffling down the street. It was an old woman, her back permanently deformed into a small hunch back, and with great effort she slowly traveled as her whole body seemed weighted down into each tiny slow step she took. I saw how hard her load was and marveled at how blessed I was to be able to move my body freely and with ease. As I was mulling and sympathizing over the chasm of difference between my body's beautiful physical ability in juxtaposition to her restricted state I thanked God for the gift of this miracle body that could do so much and asked for so little. And right then, as smoke fumes filled my nostrils, I was hit with the overwhelming awareness of the hypocrisy of my state. Here I was, living in this amazing temple of physical blessings and yet I was slowly destroying it with every puff. I knew that one cigerette would not kill me, but in the greater sense I was keenly aware that as I was thanking God with my mouth I was tearing down the integrity of his gift with my actions. No one likes a liar and I decided that I wasn't going to lie to myself or to my clients or to the world as a hypocrite. I decided that day to consciously live in true gratitude with my body. I realized that my body would one day, like everything else, deteriorate, and that it was my responsibility to uphold and preserve and encourage the miracle that I had been given for as many days, weeks, months, or years that it was mine to steward. Every day is full of little choices to either build our body up or tear it down and whether it is smoking, or drinking, or over indulging in any matter of things, we have one body and we cant exchange it for a new one if we destroy the one we've got.
So yes, my body is beautiful. And so is yours! Even if you are suffering from an ailment or a physical handicap, your body is STILL a gift. Every day is an opportunity to take care of it, to nourish it, to move it, to thank the Creator who gave it to you by using it wisely and with loving intention. Your body is your transportation vehicle and although we might not all be driving through life in BMWs or Mercedes, if you have a body that moves, you are blessed. And regardless of its state, you are worthy. You are valid. You are important. And as part of who you are, although it is NOT who you are, your body is a gift that you have the opportunity and responsibility to cherish. So love it, enjoy it, and respect it. Today is a new day and a chance to see EVERYTHING with new eyes. Seize the opportunity to love yourself a little bit better today because we are never promised tomorrow. Today I choose to love this body, no matter what the scale says! I hope you will too.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Just a Moment
Friday, October 7, 2011
Someone shared a clip with you on Vimeo
You can watch it here:
| The Beat of Our Dream- Burning Man 2011 Rites of Passage Dear friends, it is my great pleasure to invite you to view this beautiful vision of what the experience of Burning Man meant to me and so many others this last year. Written, shot, and edited by my angelic friend, Jaime Jhilmil Gianopoulos. This video is a gift of laughter and love and reflection. Enjoy. ~Christine Ivy, creator of Balance&Grace. About this video: |
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011
More Than Words
By the same token, when a person is going through a rough season, a rough day, maybe even just a rough moment, they don't need to use words to tell you they are feeling awful and fighting despair. The state of the soul is hard to hide and is usually as blatant as the clothes on their back. All it takes is a moment to visually listen to sense where people are in their journey. Maybe its bags under the eyes, perhaps an unusual slump in their steps, maybe a nervous anxiety in their jaw, perhaps a protective energy that feels heavy or dejected....whatever the signs, the body will never lie. The truth of who a person is and what they are feeling is always as accessible as a moment's consideration.
We never have to ask, "How are you doing?", because if we would just slow down for a moment and look beyond our own harried lives and schedules the answer would be clear. If we really want to know how other people are doing, we don't have to use our words. We only need to use our eyes and the sensitivity of the spirit. What we do with this information is another conversation entirely, and I will share my opinion on that at another time. But the thought I want to leave you with is this: We learn more about people in their silence then from their words. And my question to you is this: Why do we bother asking, 'how are you doing?', at times when we don't have the time or the interest in the real answer? Are we such creatures of habit that we cant decipher a better way to recognize each other? Thoughts, anyone? I'd love to find another way to greet people so that when we do ask people to share how they are doing the thought holds more weight. If we only ask when we really care to know the answer, the value of the response will be felt and in turn, the answer will become more honest. Honest answers = honest people = a more authentic life lived.