Welcome to the Launch of Balance & Grace!!!!

"This site is developed with the recognition that we are not alone. We are in this together. Who we are is more important than the titles we give ourselves or the labels we accept. Life is a journey to be shared, not a race to be won. Here we will develop balance and cultivate grace by celebrating, supporting, and challenging the spiritual, physical, and emotional growth of each other. We will teach each other and create a safe haven for discussion. Respond to a post, start a new topic, make a video request, or share a thought. It is here because of you and for you. So jump on in!!!!"
~Christine Grace Ivy,
Balance and Grace Pilates and Life Coaching~

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wanting what you Have to Get what you Want

"You have to want what you have before you get what you want"...do you believe that? The more I marinate in that idea the more I am convinced that it is true. When you learn to be grateful for the blessings already present in your life you treat them, and yourself, with greater levels of respect and accountability. And the respect and good stewardship that you invest in your life will naturally begin to be matched by the people around you. Treat yourself with respect and you will garner respect. Take pride in your work and more work will be given to you. Bless yourself with love and gratitude and you will receive the same measure multiplied back into your life. Its the principle of seedtime and harvest. You reap what you sow. As simple a thought as that is, it is a stark truth that somehow continues to be dismissed.  Whatever energy, positive or negative, that you are putting into your life, your relationships, your work, your talents, and your own dreams will be returned to you. So if you are spending time complaining, comparing, despairing, and wallowing in self-pity and the morose contemplatation of lack then that is the same place in which you will remain. But if you take stock of your situation, realize your blessings, assess your growth opportunities, and take steps big and small to show respect and love for the beauty that is already in your sphere of control then you will be amazed at the changes that begin to occur. Your life is a direct product of your investments and awareness. Today I aim to be aware of the blessings in and around my life and i aim to invest love, respect, passion, and gratitude into my every moment. I hope you will join me because your life is a miracle and the gifts of Love are bursting at the seams to be embraced by you. Lets really live, my friends. Lets really enjoy, participate, and discover the power of living within gratitude. Every day can start with a "Thank you" to the Creator because you are a masterpiece of a creation.

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